How to prepare a presentation

  1. Get a topic you can identify with!
  2. Write down as many ideas as come to your mind at once (brainstorming)!
  3. Collect additional material (text, pics)!
  4. Write down the structure (Gliederung) of your presentation! Make sure you present the most important facts only! Cut unnecessary information.
  5. Only look up words that are frequently used in your presentation or really necessary. Be sure you use words which you know with their German meaning!
  6. Practise your presentation several times aloud!!! Use your list of keywords! Take the  time and if your presentation is too long or too short cut or add information.
  7. Make your presentation interesting by showing pictures or playing songs at the right time. But keep in mind: What you say is more important than what you show!
  8. If there are any questions, don't hesitate to ask me!


DO NOT ... write a complete German text and try to translate it into English! German grammar structures are different from English and therefore a source for mistakes. Think English from the very first to your last word!

DO NOT... use your dictionary too often because words you have to look up are most likely unknown to your fellow students as well and too many new words make a presentation difficult to follow and understand! You are only allowed to have up to five new words!

DO NOT... learn or memorize your presentation! A presentation has to be lively! You may use a small list of keywords!