Mindmapping: ART (Create a mindmap according
to the instructions!)
- What "branches" of art can you think
- Which of these "branches" appeal to
you? Choose at least one and say why.
- What subdivisions of these branches can you
think of (e.g. theatre: tragedy, comedy, ...)? Choose one and subdivide it
as far as you can.
- What associations do you have with these
- Which of the following is the most important
for you in a work of art? You can add any other ideas that you think of.
- it has an obvious function
- it looks attractive
- it is surprising
- it gives you (historical) details
- it belongs to a certain place
- it makes you think
- it was produced by a famous artist
- it reveals something different each time you look at it
- Which of these criteria apply to the works of
art on the intro page and below? Give reasons for your choice.
Only after
you have finished with the above instructions compare your findings with
get additional information from the following website: www.artandculture.com!