How to write a comment...

In a comment you voice your opinion on a certain situation, event, person, behaviour, attitude, or a statement made by somebody else.

Suggested procedure

A. Preparation: 

- 1. Define the problem/subject.
- 2. Gather and select arguments
- 3. Group them according to their relevance and importance, their logical connection to the subject.

B. Writing the comment:

Say what the problem/subject is.
As we have seen in.../As we know from . ..
        The author of . . . holds the view that . . .
        It all depends what is meant by .. .
        I first want to make clear . . .
        I hold the opinion . . .
        By and large I agree with .... but . ..
        The first point to mention . . .
        I've always been doubtful whether it is right . . .
        I object to . . .
Introduce your opinion in a general evaluation of the problem.
        In my opinion/view.. . To my mind... I think...
        The first point I would like to mention ...
        It seems to me, however,...
        I would say... As far as I can see...
        With reference to what has been said...
        I would like to refer to further facts ...
        So far I have been dealing with.../saying . . .
        In contrast to ... In this connection . . .
        I would like to compare this with . . .
        With respect to . . ./With regard to . . .
Present your arguments in detail. Give reasons for your view. Two possible kinds of structure:
- one argument follows the other, the strongest argument is put forward at the end;
- an argument for a view is immediately followed by the argument against it.

        When we have a closer look at . . .
        In contrast to ... With regard to...
        It is often believed/accepted/taken for granted... 
        On the one hand/on the other hand...
        In addition...  While . .. Whereas . ..
        One reason is that... Another argument is that...

Draw a conclusion.
        Therefore I would say/think/don't think/
        cannot agree with/ would support the view that . . .
        As a result... /
It is for this reason that . ..
        In short,.../When all's said and done . . .
        As a result . . ./ In consequence of. . .
        I have come to the conclusion . . .
        In conclusion . . ./Consequently . . .
        I am uncertain how to decide . . .
        I conclude . . ./
In a word .. .



3. Proof-Reading

Never forget to read your comment again! If your text does not make sense to you or you find sentences difficult to read correct them. Of course, you should write a first draft of your comment, work through it and copy your revised version to be handed in.