Englisch 9

21st to 25th November


static and dynamic verbs

simple present / questions and negation
present progressive (or continuous) /questions and negation 
simple present or progressive?

present perfect / forming the present perfect
present perfect and simple past 

Chose yourself which exercises you need! Go here!

phrasal verbs I

28th November to 2nd December

Presentations (Kurzvorträge)

simple past (irregular) /simple past (regular) / questions and negation
past progressive (or continnuous) 

past perfect 

Chose yourself which exercises you need! Go here!


5th to 9th December

Basics Tests

be going to - future
four ways to express the future

Chose yourself which exercises you need! Go here!

writing course
--> See yourself pp. 144 in your English book

12th to 16th December

picture stories

reported speech prepositions I - II

9th to 13th January

Improving vocabulary

conditional clauses phrasal verbs II